Microcontroller Data Logger v0.1.03

  • Fix: Resize Window
    Sometimes the Window is too small to see the „Enter License“ button at the bottom, therefrore you can edit the „Microcontroller Data Logger.exe.config“ file and set „sizable“ attribute to „1“.

Download: Version 0.1.03

Back to Microcontroller Data Logger

Posted by KaiPautschEDV in Microcontroller Data Logger

GPS Time Sync v1.4.04

  • Fix: No more duplicate COM Ports in list
  • Update: Newtonsoft.Json library to version 13.0.3
  • New: Application detects now when GPS Time stands still, aborts auto sync system time and shows error message
  • New: Advanced Settings window
  • New: Application/Sys Log file can be enabled
  • New: GPS Raw Log file can be enabled
  • New: Display Altitude in feet
  • New: Display Speed in knots
  • New: German language added

Download: Version 1.4.04

Back to GPS Time Sync

Posted by KaiPautschEDV in GPS Time Sync, Release Notes

GPS Time Sync v1.3.02

  • Fix: More precision when setting time (Milliseconds)
  • Fix: Thread memory leak fixed
  • Fix: Download latest version link corrected
  • New: COM Port alive checker

Download: Version 1.3.02

Back to GPS Time Sync

Posted by KaiPautschEDV in GPS Time Sync, Release Notes

GPS Time Sync v1.2.02

  • Internal optimizations
  • U-blox 8 support
  • FIX: Better time sync with milliseconds

Download: Version 1.2.02

Posted by KaiPautschEDV in GPS Time Sync, Release Notes